Religious Studies

Religious Studies

Through the teaching of Religious Studies, we aim to:

  • Enable boys to study the foundational Biblical texts of the Judeo-Christian tradition, to learn and understand the beliefs, values and traditions of Christianity, and consider their influence on our culture and society.
  • Encourage boys to explore questions of morality and the values of contemporary society.
  • Encourage boys to seek for ultimate meaning and investigate and respond to some fundamental questions of life raised by religious and human experience.
  • Help develop boys’ spiritual awareness.

No excuse is made for the emphasis placed upon the study of the Bible, which is intended to prepare boys for their Common Entrance examination to public school at 13+.  It is preferred that boys should have an adequate grounding in one faith before tackling other religions in any depth.

In both Key Stages 2 and 3, the emphasis will be on understanding Biblical stories and appreciating their relevance to the Christian faith and way of life.  Boys should begin to acquire evaluative and critical skills when studying passages and should become moderately proficient at interpreting the same.  Throughout the course, the Bible will be presented as both pertinent and important to 21st century life.  Oral work, in the form of discussions, will play a major part in lessons.

In accordance with the demands of the Common Entrance syllabus, time will be made available to draw parallels with contemporary issues and boys will be encouraged to draw on their personal experiences when dealing with the issues which arise.

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